Why hectic Friday - well a lot to achieve today, up early, shower etc. etc. and go out leaflet posting after breakfast, then do shopping for the cafe for our Car Boot/Craft Fair held in our local community centre. This is the last car boot of this year's events.
The leaflets are to publicise the opening on 18th September of an Art/Crafts Exhibition (open for 6 weeks) in our shopping centre phase 1. The use of an empty shop for the exhibition is courtesy of the management of Phase 1 and in return myself and friends paint very large murals which are on display around the walls of the 3rd floor of shopping centre (Library level). The exhibition is part of the events we organise to raise money for one of our local Special Needs schools who desperately need a Hydrotherapy pool. This is our 5th year of painting murals for the centre.
This is our latest mural nearing completion, it spans 4 boards of approx. 6'x4' each. and shows views of our town.
We have come a long way from the first mural we were asked to paint (although we attend a leisure art class in College, and have a fantastic tutor, we had never painted murals before). We gulped and said" Oh yes what would you like painted!" then we had a little panic until we got down to the nitty gritty and started planning out how we would paint them. We must be doing something right as we have now been asked to paint a mural in Erskine Hospital, Dementia wing, starting next year.

The fireplace has an actual shelf attached to hold the 2 'wally dugs' and the empty picture frame is to hold photographs to enable the residents to discuss and reminisce about them.
Apologies about the quality of these two photos, they were taken from an email.
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